Azulejo Pendant was created by Melissa Shippee for everyone attending our Bead Soup event in Porches, Portugal
This bead embroidered pendant is perfect for any skill level and since bead embroidery is easier to follow there shouldn’t be a language barrier for those who may not have English as their first language.
Kits are $25 and are mandatory. They are required to be purchased before the event so they can be shipped and you can bring them with you to the event. Always bring your favorite thread and needles for bead embroidery.
We are beading in the morning and sight seeing in and around Porches in the afternoon if anyone wants to join us
Address we will be beading at
Sr Praia da Rocha
Pestana Viking Apt 801
Porches Lagoa Portugal 8400-450
(limit of 8-10 people per class)
* All classes need to be paid in full at the time of registration. There are no refunds or transfers for in studio classes so please check your calendar before reserving your spot/spots. The only time there is a refund is if the instructor needs to cancel the class and can’t reschedule