Join us for an afternoon of learning all about bead embroidery. Bridgett from Firespell Designs will be in the studio with her winter and valentine themed cabochons. Anyone who makes a purchase can learn how to do bead embroidery for free. During this free get together you will how to bezel the cabochon in even count peyote. The following supplies will be needed to complete a bezeled cabochon.
Bead Foundation and Ultra suede or backing
Beading thread and needle
Size 11/0 seed beads and/or Delicas
Size 15/0 seed beads
Extra embellishment beads in any shape and size, cup chain, crystals etc can be used for further decoration or embellishment to your pendant, earrings or bracelet. We also have a lot of new Halloween charms in stock
We will also have snacks, surprises and all kinds of fun things going on throughout the day