Mini Flower Bouquet Star


It’s spring time here in Maryland! We have a mini star for you to create your own little flower bouquet. This is a nine row star with the same image on the front as the back that will work up in no time.

Remember this is a download with the word and color chart only. You will need to know how to start the star and have knowledge of sewing the warped squares together to create the star. They are not included in this purchase. If you need full instructions they can be found with our Mini Star located on our Bead Weaving page. They will give you step by step instructions on completing the entire star. Our sample was created with size 11/0 Delicas, 6lb Fireline and a size 10 beading needle. We did not experiment with other beads or beading supplies and cannot guarantee the outcome if you do not use what is recommended.

Once you have made your purchase please add this document to your computer within 24 hours otherwise it will disappear from your downloads.

Please note this is a download only and you will not receive any beads or beading supplies with this purchase. There also will not be a finished star included in this purchase

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It’s spring time here in Maryland! We have a mini star for you to create your own little flower bouquet. This is a nine row star with the same image on the front as the back that will work up in no time.

Remember this is a download with the word and color chart only. You will need to know how to start the star and have knowledge of sewing the warped squares together to create the star. They are not included in this purchase. If you need full instructions they can be found with our Mini Star located on our Bead Weaving page. They will give you step by step instructions on completing the entire star. Our sample was created with size 11/0 Delicas, 6lb Fireline and a size 10 beading needle. We did not experiment with other beads or beading supplies and cannot guarantee the outcome if you do not use what is recommended.

Once you have made your purchase please add this document to your computer within 24 hours otherwise it will disappear from your downloads.

Please note this is a download only and you will not receive any beads or beading supplies with this purchase. There also will not be a finished star included in this purchase

It’s spring time here in Maryland! We have a mini star for you to create your own little flower bouquet. This is a nine row star with the same image on the front as the back that will work up in no time.

Remember this is a download with the word and color chart only. You will need to know how to start the star and have knowledge of sewing the warped squares together to create the star. They are not included in this purchase. If you need full instructions they can be found with our Mini Star located on our Bead Weaving page. They will give you step by step instructions on completing the entire star. Our sample was created with size 11/0 Delicas, 6lb Fireline and a size 10 beading needle. We did not experiment with other beads or beading supplies and cannot guarantee the outcome if you do not use what is recommended.

Once you have made your purchase please add this document to your computer within 24 hours otherwise it will disappear from your downloads.

Please note this is a download only and you will not receive any beads or beading supplies with this purchase. There also will not be a finished star included in this purchase

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